For the Love of Vets

For the Love of Vets

  • Why You Might Need To Request No Socialization For Your Pet During A Boarding Visit

    When you choose a suitable boarding service that will care for your pet dog while you're out of town, you generally want to pick one that will provide socialization time. Dogs are social animals, and while your pet should have some quiet time for resting, it can often benefit from time spent mixing with the other dogs at the boarding service. This concept might be the norm, but it's not always applicable to every client.

  • Ways To Help Your Dog With Fireworks Anxiety

    If your dog is afraid of fireworks, summer can be a rough time for them. Many people shoot off fireworks all around the 4th of July and even throughout the summer for a variety of gatherings and events (whether it is legally allowed or not). As such, you may find yourself wondering what you can do to help your dog with their fireworks anxiety. Get to know some of the steps that you can take to help your dog get through fireworks season without being too fearful and unhappy.

  • 4 Everyday Items In Your Home That Can Be A Danger To Your Dog

    There are dangers lurking in your home everywhere, but you may only see them as everyday items and nothing too harmful. Some of these things can be toxic or even lethal to your pooch. If you aren't sure what could be toxic, you should talk to your dog's veterinarian for helpful information. Read on for a few everyday items you should be aware of that can pose a danger to your dog.

  • 4 Smart Tips For Taking Care Of Your Dog This Spring

    As spring warms up and more days are warm and sunny instead of cold and chilly, it is time to get outside and get more active with your dog. As spring arrives, there are several things you can do to take care of your dog. Smart Tip #1: Treat Your Dog for Heartworm You should be treating your dog throughout the year for heartworm. However, if you have slacked off in treating your dog with heartworm prevention medication, you are going to want to get back on track, as the chance of getting heartworm increases as your dog spends more time outside and the temperatures get warm.

  • Scheduling A Vet Visit For A Nervous Dog? 3 Ways To Select The Right Clinic

    Taking your dog to a vet clinic can be a stressful experience for both of you when your dog gets nervous in new places. Whether your dog is a puppy, a senior, or somewhere in between, there's a lot of things you can do to make sure that your dog can get to the clinic without adding more stress. Instead of choosing the most affordable clinic or the closest clinic to you, consider the following ways that you can narrow down clinics to one that will help make your dog comfortable.

  • 2024© For the Love of Vets
    About Me
    For the Love of Vets

    Did you know that when a veterinarian graduates from veterinary school, they must take an oath before they are allowed to practice? This is similar to the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take upon graduating from medical school. The new vets promise that they will work to relieve animal suffering and promote the overall health of pets. They also promise to uphold their profession with dignity. If you have ever taken your pet to the vet, you've probably seen a vet live this oath firsthand. You can be confident your pet is in good hands. Learn more about vets and the wonderful work they do in the articles curated here.
