For the Love of Vets

For the Love of Vets

  • Your Dog's Itching Could Be Caused By Mange That Needs Treatment From A Veterinarian

    If your dog is itching constantly and you don't see any fleas, the problem could be mange. This is a condition caused by tiny mites that infest your dog's hair follicles. Mange can become serious and make your dog miserable. The mites can even be spread to other pets and humans. A veterinarian can treat mange and bring your dog relief. Here are important things to know about mange in dogs.

  • What Does It Take To Be an Equine Veterinarian?

    If you think you would like a veterinarian job, you may want to look into a specialty field. One field to consider—especially if you like and have experience with horses—is equine medicine. Horses can be high-maintenance animals that require a lot of specific care and handling. Plus, they are often interesting to work with. Continue reading to learn more about becoming an equine veterinarian and what they do in a typical day.

  • What To Expect With Your Pet's First Veterinary Clinic

    If you have a pet, it's going to need to be seen by the veterinarian for an exam and checkup. Pets such as cats and dogs should be seen by the veterinarian for their immunizations and other shots to prevent disease and seen for routine exams as well. You may wonder what to expect with your pet's first veterinary exam, and you may be feeling apprehensive if it's your first time to the veterinary clinic as well.

  • Should Your Cat Get A Rabies Vaccine Even If They Never Go Outside?

    If you're caring for an indoor cat, you may be curious if there's really any point in getting your cat vaccinated against rabies. Rabies is only transmitted from animal to animal, either through bites or other shared bodily fluids. If a cat is indoors all the time, there's no risk, right? Unfortunately, the reality is that your cat could still be in danger. Here's why you should consider getting their rabies shot.

  • Heartworm In Dogs: Frequently Asked Questions

    As a concerned pet parent, you want to make sure your dog stays healthy and happy for as long as possible. Heartworm is a common condition that occurs in dogs that is easily preventable. Unfortunately, if you do not take the steps to prevent or treat heartworm early, it can be fatal. Here are a few answers to some frequently asked questions you might have about canine heartworm. What Exactly Is Heartworm?

  • 2024© For the Love of Vets
    About Me
    For the Love of Vets

    Did you know that when a veterinarian graduates from veterinary school, they must take an oath before they are allowed to practice? This is similar to the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take upon graduating from medical school. The new vets promise that they will work to relieve animal suffering and promote the overall health of pets. They also promise to uphold their profession with dignity. If you have ever taken your pet to the vet, you've probably seen a vet live this oath firsthand. You can be confident your pet is in good hands. Learn more about vets and the wonderful work they do in the articles curated here.
