For the Love of Vets

For the Love of Vets

What You Should Know About Dog Dental Care

Erin Steeves

When you are a dog owner, you have a lot to think about when it comes to their care and well-being. Because of this, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed or may even not know about some of the things you should be keeping track of with their health. Dental care and oral health care may be one of the things that slips between the cracks when it comes to taking care of your dog. Get to know some of the facts you should know about dog dental care, and then you can be sure you start taking the best possible care of your dog's teeth and mouth going forward.

Dog Breath Is Not Normal

One of the first facts to keep in mind about your dog and their oral health is that "dog breath" is not a normal thing. Most people think that dogs naturally have bad breath. This is not true. In fact, dogs should have very scent-neutral breath when their mouth is healthy. 

Dog breath occurs when their teeth or gums are dirty and not as well-maintained as they should be. A dog can get food stuck in their teeth and gums, for example, and may not be able to get it out on their own. This can lead to that bad breath you notice. 

If their teeth are left alone without care for a prolonged period of time or they just have dental issues, bad breath can also be a sign of rotten teeth or gum disease. 

Brushing Your Dog's Teeth Is Important

While many dog owners do not realize it, it is completely normal to brush your dog's teeth. Companies make dog toothbrushes and toothpaste to make the process easier and to ensure that your dog does not ingest anything that is bad for them. 

Brushing your dog's teeth should be a part of your daily dog care routine, but if you can't commit to daily tooth brushing, try to do it a few times a week. This will help to prevent many of the dental health issues your dog can develop and will help with that doggy breath that drives everyone crazy. 

Yearly Dental Checkups Are a Must

When it comes to taking care of your dog's teeth, veterinary care is a must. Once a year, when your dog goes in for their yearly checkup, you should also make sure your vet checks out your dog's teeth. They will do a quick examination to visually and physically assess your dog's dental health. 

If your dog's teeth are dirty or they are showing signs of a rotten tooth or gum disease, your dog may need a tooth extraction or a deep cleaning. Deep cleanings are done by a veterinarian under general anesthesia.

Your vet will clean your dog's teeth thoroughly (like the dentist cleans your teeth) and will ensure that your dog's oral health is as good as possible in the process. Sometimes, the need for extractions or additional treatments is not discovered until the vet goes to deep clean a dog's teeth and these treatments may be done while the dog is still under anesthesia to make things easier on the dog. 

Now that you know some of the important facts about dog dental care, you can get to taking care of your dog's teeth right away. Contact a pet hospital like Columbine Animal Hospital & Emergency Clinic for more information.


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For the Love of Vets

Did you know that when a veterinarian graduates from veterinary school, they must take an oath before they are allowed to practice? This is similar to the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take upon graduating from medical school. The new vets promise that they will work to relieve animal suffering and promote the overall health of pets. They also promise to uphold their profession with dignity. If you have ever taken your pet to the vet, you've probably seen a vet live this oath firsthand. You can be confident your pet is in good hands. Learn more about vets and the wonderful work they do in the articles curated here.
